
I'M Harshit Gupta


A passionate Javascript Developer and Backend Engineer with strong knowledge of Javasript Fundamentals, HTML, CSS and javascrpt runtime environment like node js and basic understanding of frontend libraries like react and good grasp of data structure and algorithms.

About me

About Me

Hello I'M Harshit Gupta

Birthday : 16 February 1998

Phone : +91 639750 1323

Email : hg6658positive@gmail.com

City : Mathura, Uttar Pradesh India

Age : 25

Degree : BTech

Freelance : Available


Project Done


Algorithmic problems solved


Happy Client


My Resume

I Am Available For Freelance Projects.


  • Bachelors in technology Computer Science
    Bennett University 2017 - 2021

    Acquired knowledge on core computer science fundamentals, web development, artificial intelligence, blockchain...

  • Class XII - CBSE
    St. Paul's School Mathura
    2015 - 2016

    Completed Higher Secondary Education


  • Software Engineer
    Aquera Labs
    2023 - 2023

    Building REST APIs (Node.js and Express.js) for seamless handling of applicant data on platforms like Slack, GitLab, and Jira It is more like resource provisioning System like user will have certain roles and permissions which help him to access certain resources only. and also converts objects according to defined schemas.and also validated against JOI validations libraries.

    Technologies used:- Express.js,Node.js,Lodash,Joi,Javascript,DSAlgo

  • Software Developer
    DJT Corporation
    2021 - 2021

    Developed and maintained backend services using Node.js and Express.js

    Designed and implemented RESTfulAPIs for various features and functionalities

    Technologies used:- Node.js,Express,DataStructures,andAlgorithms

My Services

My Skills

HTML CSS Javascript

Strong Knowledge

DS and Algo

350+ Problems


Strong Knowledge


Average Knowledge

Node Js

Average Knowledge


Fundamental Knowledge


Average Knowledge

Socket io

Fundamental Knowledge


Creative Works


My Peers

What my peers say about me

"Harshit is a talented, proactive, dedicated, and focused School of Computer Science Engineering and Technology alumnus. He has excelled in the classroom and has worked on a number of projects aimed at improving technical abilities in a variety of areas. He used to be good at reciprocating ideas and was always willing to help others. Despite deadline pressure, he performed the assigned task(s) on time and with good results. He has worked on a diverse computer science and innovation initiatives with societal implications. He has impressed the faculty by seeking constructive input on a regular basis in order to reflect and improve. We wish him every success in academic and professional endeavours."


School of Computer Science and engineering Bennett University

Get in Touch

Get In Touch

Feel Free To Contact Me Any Time

Let’s Get Work With Me

Inorder to contact with we here is my address, contacts and mail.

Address : Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281001, India

Phone : +91 639-750-1323

Mail : hg6658positive@gmail.com

Web : www.hg6658.github.io/harshit.gupta

How can I help you ?